September 16, 2014

Buy this because air mattresses suck: Review of Sleep Master Holiday Elite Rollaway Folding Guest Bed, Plus Bonus Storage Bag

The wife and I have been through at least three air mattresses in the last five years with not that many uses. They bust and the patches don't work even if you can find the hole. So we went and bought this for our last weekend guest, who was at least five ten and maybe 200 pounds. Was told that it was comfortable, and then it folded up nicely for the next time we need it.

That was only one use though, so I'm not holding a parade, but it does beat having our guests sleep on a pool toy inches from the ground--even though it is a little more expensive. If it holds up through a couple more visits it will have paid for itself.

It does a little weak, so at 350 pounds I'm not going to climb on top of it anytime soon, but for most people it should be fine.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Lot Like the Movie!

I liked this book.

It stuck pretty close to the movie,

Though in the end it was more about the main character doing drugs than anything else.

I learned very little about the city of Las Vegas.

"Romance for Men: Pandora's Box" is the opposite of a good book

If you review enough on Amazon, you get plenty of offers for books for review. I delete most of them. I feel bad doing so since they're mostly self-published authors trying to get noticed and to sell books.

But sometimes really cool books are on offer -- or at least books that sound really cool. This book had a lot of names attached that I recognized and it made me excited.

Basically, there are multiple theories about how humor works, but I can tell you where humor doesn't work, and that is in "Romance For Men". I was pretty let down. There is one joke in the book, and it gets old very quickly. The main character grows and changes but deliberately renounces that growth at the end of the book.

I did laugh once  that I remember, in spite of myself.

I think that this is "Romance for Men" in a way that Maxim is a magazine for men -- you know, like not really for adults but aimed at teenagers. I'd call it sophomoric, but that gives it too much credit. I'd say it is more like freshmanic.

(Note: I received a complimentary copy of this title in exchange for a review)